Thread: radar questions
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Bruce in Alaska Bruce  in Alaska is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 153
Default radar questions

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"Chuck Tribolet" wrote:

Dunno about the model, but I was hanging out in the wheel house of one of the
Monterey dive boats a few years ago while we were coming back from a couple
of dives off Big Sur. It's grey day, but the marine layer was up off the
water and
visibility was maybe four miles. At about Cypress Pt. the radar starts
showing a
BIG target dead ahead. a couple of miles.

Now, A) we don't get big targets in Monterey very often, and esp not in water
shallow, and B) we can't see any big targets visually. A couple of small
boats, and the
Pt. Pinos buoy a couple of miles out, but nothing near that big. When the
range gets down to about a half mile, Capt. Phil starts looking kinda
nervous. Then
the marine layer lifts a bit, and: Goodyear Blimp. ;-)

I always liked to see what skippers would do when they saw a target on
their radar, that was moving at 100Kts directly at them. FloatPlanes
flying at 500Ft, look really strange on Marine Radars....

Bruce in alaska
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