-rick- wrote:
If Jay is still reading...
Fully tilted up I measure about 12" clearance required
forward from the back surface of the T8 mounting clamp
(equivalent to the back of your mounting bracket).
Thanks for following this up for me. I appreciate that.
12" clearance means that the motor bracket will have to be at least 12"
long. And 12" long motor bracket is almost three times longer than the
motor bracket that I see in this web site:
But a 12" long motor bracket "may" be OK based on a similar size motor
bracket from Garelick:
Honestly, I have a feeling that it will be sticking out too far and
will create too much stress on the transom.
Seem like a 12" motor bracket may or may not be OK. Having said that I
have a feeling that I may end up removing the structure that is on the
transom that is preventing me from mounting the kicker directly on the
transom. Then I can mount the kicker directly on the transom. This
should be a more solid installation anyway, and I don't need to spend
time and money fabricating the motor bracket.
Thanks. Now, I know what I need to do.
Jay Chan