Ghost Girl?
I sort of meant _I_ didn't want to cally you names.
Do you still glow in the dark?
"Gilligan" wrote in
message . ..
"Seahag" wrote in message
I did, but don't think name calling was called for.
My apologies to anyone who experienced the problem, my
intent was for the news to be read, not the spam bomb. As
for the name calling, it is ok with me. I give Joe his
share and he gives me my share. I harbor no ill will
toward Joe and would be the first to buy him a round. I'm
sure he feels the same toward me. It is only fair to cut
Joe some slack since he spent his entire Naval career
aboard a floating ocean liner painted grey. It had a gun
in front in which the breech was rusted shut (it might
have even been a front loader!). Wouldn't anyone be a bit
goofy spending 4 years shuttling crates of lettuce between
ships? It's too bad Joe missed out on some real military
action and I feel sorry for him. At least my bunk was
within 30 feet of atomic weapons, we actually shot the big
gun and went toe toe with the Ruskies. Through purity of
essence we did prevail.