Get a Stainless Steel prop and that will never happen again.
"Ree-Yees" wrote in message

Well crapo. Got the new starter today and put that bad boy on. Starts up
like a charm.
Boy was I ready to get back out there and test out the new prop that I
got to use for a few minutes before the boat died sunday.
Took it out but was mostly dark so just piddled aorund near the dock.
Brought it back to put it up on the trailer and there must have been
something down in the darm water cause the prop hit it.
Its not nearly as bad as the last one I busted
Here is the new one with a little shaved off the edge. I had my prop
all the way up when I was pulling on the trailer! Cost $80 for that joker
$165 for the starter and sure cant afford a new prop for another month.
Hopefully this one dosent vibrate when I get it out. The old one didnt
any apparent vibrating and look how bad it was botched!