Google Earth versin 4 and Mapsource
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Tom Hemp
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 2
Google Earth versin 4 and Mapsource
Turns out beta build 2416 contains a bug about reading .gpx files.
They know about this. It will supposedly get fixed in the next release.
or you can download GPSBabel 1.3.2 and copy/replace the EXE and DLL file
into the GE program folder.
This worked for me...
wrote in message
After upgrading my Google Earth to version 4, the "View/Show On Google
Earth" function of Mapsource does not work anymo the folders
appears there, but it is empty. Anybody know to bypass this problem,
not including the return to version 3?
I am using the cumbersome process of saving the routes/wpts/trks in GPX
format, open this file in "Gps Trackmaker" software and saving again in
KML format, which I open directly in Goggle Earth. I think that Google
version 4 uses a upgrade version of KML which MapSource does not
I actually had the exact same problem and was about to post a message
yesterday, but I was able to get it to work. (I was using the work
around of saving from MapSource to a gpx file and then opening that
file directly from Google Earth. Google Earth comes with a version of
GPSBabel, but you may need to update it to the most current version.)
In my case, I had updated both Google Earth and MapSource recently. I
noticed that MapSource was building the kml file (in a temporary
directory on the PC) before giving an error that Google Earth couldn't
be started. When I tried to open that kml file, Windows prompted me
for what application to associate with that file. So apparently
somewhere along the way, Windows forgot that kml should be associated
with Google Earth.
Anyway, after telling Windows what association to use and to use it for
all files of that type, now the View in Google Earth feature works just
fine again. Hopefully it is a similar problem for you.
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Tom Hemp
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