Thread: Antenna cable?
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tlindly tlindly is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 48
Default Antenna cable?

RG8 [not 6] is MUCH bigger in diameter than RG58. RG58 is also much
mor flexable.
But I wouldn't recommend it for this length, unless a very sharp bend
is absolutely necessary.

Larry wrote:
cavelamb himself wrote in news:4hXdh.7885

RG-58 is recommended, but the losses in the cable seem staggering!

Is there a better cable for antenna connections???


Capri 18

"Staggering"? RG-6 would be much better at about the same price. It's
only a hair bigger diameter, available at any marine store selling
electronics. With a 40' run of RG-6 you still get 75% efficiency.

If you must:
LMR-1700-DB, double-shielded, direct burial, waterPROOF will give you
97.9% at 156.8 for 40' but noone will notice it on the air, only in your
pocket book at $10/ft plus some pretty impressive connectors. Way
overkill. It's 1 1/4" diameter...not good. RG-6 is better.

The Icom M802 on Lionheart has about 70' of RG-6 to a Metz Manta 6 at
55'. Savannah is 100 miles from here. I hear them all the time and I
know they can hear me because they called me...(c;

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