Thread: Antenna cable?
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Larry Larry is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Antenna cable?

Matt Colie wrote in :

It's about time. I was starting to wonder why you had the VHF
tied into the broadband.

RG-6 would work fine. We've run some bigtime 2 meter repeaters using 75
ohm hardline we got for free from the local cable companies. I used to
have a storage yard under a paging tower that was overrun with it. I gave
it away to anyone who asked for it. Lots of ham radio stations have it
buried in their yards, still, 10-20 years later.

RG-6 is that cable running to your TV in the living room. The direct
burial stuff the cable guys on the trucks have is great. You can lay it
anywhere in the bilge and it won't leak like 8X does....even with the fancy
white cover.

There are even PL-259 UHF crimp-on connectors with sealer built into the
crimp for it.

"Coax is a terrible thing to waste"....(c