YO - Everybody who posts here
On Wed, 20 Dec 2006 21:50:48 GMT, Short Wave Sportfishing
On Wed, 20 Dec 2006 16:09:26 -0500, JohnH wrote:
On Wed, 20 Dec 2006 20:37:05 GMT, Short Wave Sportfishing
Hi - how've you been?
Been good! Thanks for the gracious inquiry.
Very good - most excellent.
Actually, the prostrate has been causing the bladder to feel very full
about 4 o'clock AM, which has been interfering with my sleep.
Ahem - um...well...
They have medicine for that.
Yes, but the doctor says I must stop drinking coffee before she'll
prescribe it. Hell with that!
Also, my golf game is not improving to the extent I had hoped.
Is that connected somehow to your prostate?
Probably. There may be a tie in.
Oh, and the marina hasn't called to tell me they've completed
winterization of the boat and that the batteries are ready for pickup.
Oh - um...maybe they sold it by accident?
Other than that, all is well!
John H
*Have a great Christmas and a spectacular New Year!*