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Alec Alec is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 8
Default 240 v fuse-12v fuse switch problem

The fact that you refer to a 240v fuse leads me to suspect that you are in
the UK or an area based on the UK mains system.

If so the 240v fuses from your hardware shop will not work on your 12v boat
systems as the are slightly different sizes and will not make a good contact

Try a car shop for 12v fuses and get one exactly the same physical size.


"MEC" wrote in message
The glass type 5A fuse in the switch to my tiller pilot blew the
other day. The manual calls for a 12A fuse. Replaced fuse with one from
local hardware shop but switch wont function at all with this one. It
was a 15A 3AG or 3WG (will replace with 12A asap). Is this because it's
a 240V fuse? Are there fuses specifically for 12V DC? Have tried other
switches with fuse with same result.

Thanks for your advice in advance