Hi, Ric, and Group, and answering another question about what gear I
have at the same time:
Cap'n Ric wrote:
You can order them at http://www.wlansolution.com/ although I'm sure there
are many other places.
Cap'n Ric
In fact, that is where I ordered my gear. I can't recommend them
unless you are totally familiar with networking protocols and whatever
else may be needed to make your setup work, as, despite being a nice
fellow, Basil won't help you set it up - he'll only direct you to the
Senao website for firmware upgrades, and if you ask him to configure
something which will do what I'm trying to do, he'll send you the same
stuff I got, which patently doesn't work without some intervention from
other gear - and when it doesn't work, won't take it back. (That's an
extremely long story, very technical for any but the techies, and not
the point of this discussion, so I'll not put it here.) It is
extraordinarily far from plug and play, and many network experts, even
a user with exactly the same setup as I was trying to make happen, were
unsuccessful in getting our setup to work as it was sold to me.
At that, even with the router in between (the solution to the IP
conflicts which were making the other not work), now, there's something
messed up with the Pay service (which hijacked my signal, redirecting
to their site, because, now, with the bridge and antenna high up, it
saw that as the best and locked on to it, as distinct shortcoming of
this particular unit, of which, more, anon) because I'm back to having
to put it directly into a configured NIC to set it, then transfer it to
a DHCP NIC to surf and connect. It will no longer talk to the Vonage
router, which means, of course, no phone, and also no AP for wifi
connectivity (defined as no wires between the computer and the outside
world), the point(s) of this entire exercise.
Now, before the folks in aiw get all exercised, I admitted long ago
that I don't even know enough to ask the right questions, let alone
have the answers, so I'm sure there's something I'm overlooking out of
ignorance. I'd love to be shown my error, but, again, it's an awfully
long story, and not the point of this post.
So, I'll say that it used to work very well. That it doesn't, any
more, is just another problem which I'll eventually overcome, I expect
-but I certainly hope that it doesn't take as long as it did to get it
set up the first time.
I was thrilled, especially after having spent literally more than a
year to get it to even talk to the outside world, let alone have it
work miles out in the Bay. I have two Senao 2611CB3 Plus Deluxe,
configurable to either AP or Bridge. I have an 8.5dBi omni stick from
Hypertech, just down the street from wlansolutions, as Basil walked
over to get it when putting this together, and a 5.5 duck for the AP.
I originally was going to have it all in one box up the mast, one power
supply, but as they would absolutely not talk together when joined by a
crossover, and the solution turned out to be a router in between, I
abandoned that, as seen in the pictures, and put only the bridge aloft.
I configure the bridge to a blank SSID, which makes it look for the
strongest signal. That's ok, but in this case, that caused it to
redirect to their signin page. Otherwise, were that not the case, I
could then go into the configuration page and specify which of the
available ones, even those not shown, perhaps from a hidden SSID, or
one I know to be available at less strength than the first (and limited
to) 8 shown, such as I did before the pay site hijacked the signal.
Were I to do it again I most certainly would not do that setup. There
are other pairs which will do the job more effectively, and not require
a router in between. However, as VoIP is a very critical component of
our connectivity, the Vonage router works out (the current
unpleasantness aside).
Thus the question about your bridge; a slight increase in power would
be nice, and a point and click selection would be even nicer,
particularly if I can avoid redirection in which I'm now embroiled.
Hope that was responsive to the couple of questions answered :{))
Morgan 461 #2
SV Flying Pig KI4MPC
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nothing-half so much worth doing as simply messing,
messing-about-in-boats; messing about in boats-or *with* boats.
In or out of 'em, it doesn't matter. Nothing seems really to matter,
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particular; and when you've done it there's always something else to
do, and you can do it if you like, but you'd much better not."