OT- Power outage in NY. Coincidence?
On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 20:06:53 -0400, Harry Krause
JohnH wrote:
On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 19:07:45 -0400, Harry Krause
JohnH wrote:
I have seen no statement to the effect that the Office of Homeland Defense
desires to spend irresponsibly. In my opinion, the Democrats would do so if they
Well, of course, John...your opinion on every matter is colored by your
personal right-wing extremism. Despite that, you seem a decent guy. But
you'd be so much better if you replaced your blinders with a bit of
sarvodaya and satyagraha, eh.
My 'right-wing extremism,' as you describe what you perceive through the shaded
lens of liberalism, has been colored by the inanities I continue to hear spewing
from the mouths of some Democrats.
You questioned my name calling comment in a recent post. That comment was
prompted by:
"The Washington Times?
The Moonie Paper?
Trash is as trash reads/"
Seems like name-calling to me, but I could be wrong, again.
On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD
John...the Washington Times *is* the Moonie paper. It is the propaganda
arm of the Rev. Moon's "Unification Church." One of Moon's zampolit
colonels is at the paper every day, reading every word for political
appropriateness and Moonie correctness, making sure the paper extolls
just the right amount of right-wing doctrine.
Are you claiming the right-wing extremist slant of that rag is not
noticed by you?
I posted the Wash. Times piece, followed by the equivalent Wash. Post piece on
the same subject, Wal-Mart and retail consumer spending. Both articles said
roughly the same thing. Are you trying to tell me that the Washington Times
article was a lie, but the Washington Post article was not?
Do you consider the Washington Times further right of center than the NY Times
is to the left?
Whether or not I read or only copy articles from the Wash. Times is beside the
point. The point is your calling one "trash" for reading something with which
you apparently disagree, unless your position is supported.
On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD