Charts- care & feeding
Apart from being a danger to yourself and others your insurance may be
deemed invalid on grounds that you were negligent if you knowingly go to sea
with out-of-date charts.
Depends on how bad you screw up & if you're stupid enough to say "This
wouldn't have happened if I'd had up to date charts."
Capt.American wrote:
What about charts of islands like King's or Palymyra that have not
been updated in over 100 years?
Read Edgar's reply again and check for any N2Ms that have come out for
the area.
Just who is updating the LNM on King's island or palmyra?
They would be better then nothing
right? I have over 100 charts aboard my boat and some date back to the
mid 40's. Also for ocean passages I do not see much changing in mid
Pacific or Atlantic.
You have a chart of the mid Atlantic? What a coincidence, so do I.... a
blank piece of paper.
Sounds good for whiping your ass Tonto.
My charts have lat and lon in hours, min and seconds, shipping lanes,
currents, soundings in fathoms, loran lines, lease blocks, compass
rose, loran linear interpolator, variation factors, pollution reports,
ship wrecks, conversion tables, explosive dumping areas, submarine
operation areas, radio range info, reefs, islands, atolls, bottom info,
ect..ect..ect and thats the simple charts, not the pilot chart which
have average currents, wind, and information beyond your simple
understanding of charts.
After reading the responce you provided I suggest you hang your charts
on the wall and marvel at all the information you have no clue existed.
What a putz you are you deserve a chart that rolls up when you try to
use it. Go buy software with a chart plotter GPS interface.
Surely you can push a few buttons right?
Ever heard the phrase "off soundings"?
I would agree in a port with major traffic, an up
to date chart is the one to use.
What does traffic have to do with the chart?
High traffic areas have marked channels, dredging, bouys dragged off
location, ranges, light list, designated anchorage areas, ect.. and
lots of mariners that submit reports for an up to date Local Notice to
Mariners. Charts in high traffic areas are in general more up to date
and critical to safe navigation.
In an area like a secluded cove or harbor with no traffic and no aids
to navigation and older chart showing depths, currents, bottom info is
all that is needed to safely navigate.
Hope this helps.
Capt. American
-signed- Injun Ear (formerly known as Eagle Eye)