A country's character...
Popeye wrote:
If a country's predominant religion is Roman Catholicism what would you
tend to think about that country?
a. It is a second/third world country.
b. The economy is not growing fast.
c. The government is corrupt.
d. There is civil strife.
e. People leave the country for better opportunities elsewhere.
f. Education is lacking in that country.
g. The government is socialist.
h. Violence is a way of life.
i. Other religions are not tolerated very well.
j. Tyrannical government.
k. Poor business environment.
l. Closed hierarchal society.
m. Prejudice against women.
n. Corruption is society.
Now suppose a country's predominant religion is Islam. Would the traits
you think of be much different?
Your supposition stinks because:
1. Countries that are predominantly Roman Catholic are not that way
becasue of their religion but because they are poor. The poor tend to
cling to the Church for hope.
2. Countries that are predominantly Roman Catholic are not governed by
the Churrch but by corrupt politicians who usurp and use the Church and
prey upon the poor.
3. France, Italy, Soain, Portugal, and Ireland are not 3rd world
countries, are not ruled by dictators, participate in the European
economy system, and although there is some socialism, it is not Church
4. Many of the Eastern European countries that are predominantly Roman
Catholic fir your profile not because of the CHutch, but because we
allowed Russia to take them over after WW2. Communism made those conditions.
5. Ever looked at the violence going on in the US? Makes some of those
2nd and 3ed world countries look like fluffy clouds.
I could go on and on. Your comparison of Roman Catholicism to Islam is
nasty and unwarranted.