Bill Kearney wrote:
I hate the
thought of sitting down with a logic analyzer trying to decode those
proprietary standards if I ever want to add my own custom hardware the
network again.
I'll say this, however, it's my intention before putting it back into the
water to re-rig how the networking runs in our boat. I've had a few
situations where GPS inexplicably went out. No amount of debugging (and
I've really tried) pointed a finger at the culprit. I've gone with adding a
second GPS on a different network (NMEA2k aka SeaTalk2). The boat shipped
with GPS on the SeaTalk network into the chartplotter. But the cabling ran
such that it's not conveniently accessible to allow shunting off
questionably performing devices. So I'll re-route a few of the cables to
let me do it. I'd prefer not to have to do it but it seems like having the
option is the smart thing to do.
-Bill Kearney
Those familiar with my wifi odyssey know that I'm barely dangerous, let
alone knowledgeable about networking.
However, I recently was able to integrate SeaTalk and NMEA devices
through the computer section of my (older) ST6000 autopilot controller.
The controller could take either input, and output in the language
going to the particular device.
Perhaps something of that nature would work here?
Meanwhile, I'm dumping the stuff I started with and trying something
different for the wifi. What I have clearly isn't how I like, though,
as this post demonstrates, *does* allow me intermittent connectivity.
Morgan 461 #2
SV Flying Pig KI4MPC
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didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail
away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain