I'm Back (well sort of)
Glad to hear you came out in one piece. Hopefully all the rest is
temporary. I missed the details of your surgery plans. I have back issues
as well. What did you have done?
"JimH" wrote in message
Hi all.
First for all thanks for all the well wishes.
I had the operation on Tuesday 1-16. It was a 3 1/2 hour surgery. I was
finally released on Thursday 1-18. That night was the first good night of
sleep I had since the operation as there was no hospital staff to wake me
up every hour through the night.
My right leg is somewhat numb and I need a walker to get around as it will
not consistently hold my weight. I had been confined to the 2nd story of
house for the past few days but decided I had enough of the confinement so
I got downstairs like I got upstairs on Thursday....on my butt and one
step at a time.
With 312 unread messages (after I filtered out the ones from the a-holes,
including the non boating golfers) I have a lot of reading to do