I Will Not Berth in Boston
On Feb 1, 6:00�pm, Vic Smith wrote:
I don't have my boat yet, but I NOT berth in Boston.
My boat might be mistaken for a bomb.
Bostonian to himself, as he spots my boat: "Hey, that wasn't there
yesterday!" *He calls the cops. *Possible bomb at the wharf.
Boston bomb squad team lead: *"Looks sorta like a boat, but it wasn't
here yesterday. *Let's get some charges on it and see what we got."
Even if my boat isn't the first one spotted, when the news picks up
"the situaton at Boston Harbor," somebody might report *my* boat and
sick the bomb squad on it, and they'll have to "detonate" it.
Then of course the mayor and police chief will arrest me for
perpetrating a "hoax." *
No way in the world my new boat will be anywhere near Boston.
Enough reason to keep my boat in Florida right there.
So my question is to those keeping there boats in Florida.
Is this an issue in Florida like it is in Boston?
It is't likely to be considered a "possible bomb" unless its a gas
powered boat. :-)