Old posts
I have been having a hoot reading some of our old posts. This one from me to
Mundo *
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*More options Jan 12 2000, 3:00*am
Newsgroups: alt.sailing.asa
From: Mundo
Date: 2000/01/12
Subject: I'm even more famous!
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On Wed, 12 Jan 2000 07:17:30 -0500, "Capt. NealŪ"
Now, isn't that a pretty good account considering the source?
If this is true it only re affirms this periodical's lack of viable
Neil ! Although you are entertaining you are no more knowledgeable
than the scores of novices that have access *to a stack of books. Lets
look at the reality of this.
You have been anchored in one spot for the last 10+ years.
You live with a cat. And let it **** on your boat.
(I will not attack your Boat because I believe it is sound as it
should be except for the cat and accompanying litter box)
You live with a cat. And let it **** on your boat.
You took a pay to be a captain course and qualified for the lowest
You live with a cat. And let it **** on your boat.
You **** in a cedar bucket. (no real problem here it just sounds good)
You live with a cat. And let it **** on your boat.
Some of your "help" to novices is helpful. Most of it is dangerous.
You live with a cat. And let it **** on your boat.
I think deep inside somewhere that you could a quire the ability to be
a real sailor. But that will require leaving the mooring occasionally.
Claiming to be a real sailor is like me claiming to be a real writer.
How does the saying go?
Those that can do. Those that cant teach?
The fact that "Sailing" wrote this (if they) did only proves what most
here thought already. They are as dangerous and misinformed as you.
Congratulations on your notoriety.
You live with a cat. And let it **** on your boat.
"The captain who is a bully and an ass"
Mundo, The Captain who is a bully and an ass