Thread: Pactor modem
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Geoff Schultz Geoff Schultz is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 454
Default Pactor modem

First off there are 2 web sites that you should go to. is the web site for the hardware. They have
pointers to vendors based upon your location. describes AirMail/SailMail. In particular, you
should read the Primer which explains everything in great detail. You
can use the AirMail program with both the commercial SailMail service
and the ham based WinLink.

You ***REALLY*** want to have the Pactor III software. It's amazingly
faster than the II software. Don't even think about not getting it.

I've been a SailMail subscriber since 1999 and the SailMail software has
seen significant upgrades. That combined with the SCS-PTC software
upgrades has made it very usable and robust.

If you have a ham license you can utilize the WinLink service, but you
are not allowed to conduct business over it. I'm sure that lots of
people ignore that fact, but it's a rule. Since I need to conduct
business while cruising, I've stuck with SailMail. You have unlimited
connection time using WinLink.

SailMail limits you to 90 minutes of connect time over a 7 day period.
I send lots of e-mail and have never run into problems once the PTC-III
software came out.

There's a Weather Fax program that is a companion to AirMail. It
provides the software to collect faxes over the Pactor and view them.
You can also request GRIB files and display them. Once again, all of
this is detailed in the Primer listed above.

-- Geoff

AMPowers wrote in
. net:

Hey all,

I'm interested in purchasing a pactor modem to connect to my SSB for
email. I understand that there has recently been an upgrade from "II"
to "III" (2 to 3) in terms of the protocol release and associated
hardware. What I don't understand is if it is possible to buy the
latest version modem at this newer release or if one can only purchase
a pactorII modem and must then upgrade. The few sites I've found
don't seem to offer the first option.

Also, can anyone recommend a specific vendor, and/or any installation
tips and/or suggestions regarding software to accomplish this. I've
been led to believe that there are a few different software products
out there (sailmail, airmail, winlink, etc.), I'm wondering if a
specific S/W product requires a specific vendor's modem?

Sorry if I've misconstrued the topics, I've just started looking at
all this and am a bit confused by it. I currently have an ICOM 802,
and antenna tuner, and a back stay antenna. Any insight or advice
would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
