OMG..........John Herring is now stalking me with emails to me
On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 19:20:30 -0500, "JimH" wrote:
I will not post the latest one unless he asks me to as I will respect his
This is boy is indeed obsessed with me (even though I KF'd him and
previously asked him not to email me) and needs some serious psychiatric
Can you say 'Stalking'?
Harry.......can your wife suggest a therapist in his area?
No, Jimmy, not stalking. Just wondering if your reading comprehension
problems caused you to refer to me as a 'non-boater' in a recent post.
You seem get things mixed up easily.
I could care less whether or not you post the email I sent you.
***** Have a super day! *****
John H