OMG..........John Herring is now stalking me with emails to me
Reginald P. Smithers III wrote:
Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
Well, see threads like this can turn into wonderful learning
I just learned the following:
1 - There are 11 species of skunks, which are divided into four
genera: Mephitis (hooded and striped skunks, two species), Spilogale
(spotted skunks, two species), Mydaus (stink badgers, two species),
and Conepatus (hog-nosed skunks, five species).
2 - The two skunk species in the Mydaus genus inhabit Indonesia and
the Philippines; all other skunks inhabit the Americas from Canada to
central South America.
3 - Skunks were formerly considered to be a subfamily of the
Mustelidae family of weasels and related animals (where some
taxonomists still place them), but recent genetic evidence shows that
they are not as closely related to the Mustelidae as formerly thought.
4 - Skunks are sometimes called polecats because of their visual
similarity to the European polecat (Mustela putorius), a member of the
Mustelidae family.
5 - Although the most common fur color is black and white, some skunks
are brown or gray, and a few are cream-colored. All skunks are
striped, even from birth. They may have a single thick stripe across
back and tail, two thinner stripes, or a series of white spots and
broken stripes (in the case of the spotted skunk). Some also have
stripes on their legs.
6 - Skunks are reluctant to use their smelly weapon, as they carry
just enough of the chemical for five to six uses—about 15 cc—and
require some ten days to produce another supply.
7 - Skunk spray is composed mainly of low molecular weight thiol
compounds, namely (E)-2-butene-1-thiol, 3-methyl-1-butanethiol and
(E)-2-butenyl thioacetat, these compounds are detectable at
concentrations of ~2 parts per million.
8 - Skunks have only one natural predator - the Great Horned Owl.
9 - Skunks are omnivorous, eating both plant and animal material but
mostly meat. They eat invertebrates (insects and their larvae, found
by digging, and earthworms) as well as small vertebrates (rodents,
lizards, salamanders, frogs, snakes, birds and eggs). In the absence
of insects or other prey, skunks eat wild fruits and large seeds. In
settled areas, skunks also seek human garbage.
Amazing huh?
Only for extra credit.