Why Neal is a Asshole
"Kernix" wrote
I agree Ellen - talking of katy? One fugly biatch - and nasty - wow
what a combo - ugly and horrible personality - well, let the nasty
peeps chime in here.
Katy has been nasty to me from almost the first time I posted. She's jealous
I think because I'm young and sexy and even in her prime she never was.
But, there's something else going on too. It popped into my head last night.
It's about Katy and Tom and Capt. JG and most of the other people here. Even
Joe and Scotty. They're OLD. Some of them might not be all that old in years.
Like Old Tom. He's what I'd call old old. Because of it his thinking is old and rigid.
But the others are almost as rigid. Take Katy she's halfway as bad as Tom. Tom
hates ALL people who don't post as themselves. He calls everybody a puppet.
He hates all puppets. Katy hates some puppets. Not all puppets. Pretty soon she'll
end up like Tom hating ALL puppets. It's senility setting in and it's sad.
I'm still young. I don't know how old you are but when your young you see
old people and the way they hate everything new. And they want everything to stay
the same forever. Any change or anything new makes them feel uncomfortable.
You say to yourself, *I sure hope I never get that way*. People like Tom and Katy
said the same thing when they were young. But they've forgotten all about it.
People my age see something new and we think it's kewl. Old people with old
minds see something new and think it's a threat. That's at the bottom of all the
conflict around here. IMO.
The trouble with this group is old people have invaded it. They think they can
control what everybody says. Capt. JG is like the old busy body condo commando.
Rules, rules, rules. If you don't follow *his rules* he'll snitch on you to the
condo association. (ISP and NSP). All this control freak behavior just isn't normal.
But, it's epidemic here. It's just because these old useless rigid people and younger
ones with that kinda dull mind are waging a war to own this news group.
They should do one rational thing before their minds turn to stone. They should
give it up. They can't stop change. Nobody can. Change happens.....
If they would just accept it as it is they'd be much happier. Everybody would be
happier. You expect babies to cry. Old people should be more dignified than that.
Can you believe a man 80 years old like Tom hasn't managed to get a clue in
all those years? Can you believe a woman in her fifties like Katy is almost as bad
already? And Joe who looks to be in his thirties is well on his way to being a rigid
condo commando control freak. It must be a disease caused by people eating too
much fat and clogging their circulation so blood stops getting to their brains. In Capt.
JGs case there's not much brain left because of that 10x dose of LSD he took and
fried big chunks of his brain function. Funny how drugs and old age make the brain
equally lame. Actually SAD is a better word for it.