Why Neal is a Asshole
On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 13:47:08 -0500, Kernix wrote
(in article . com):
I'm 39 - hope you don't think that's old? It's all in your mind - it
ain't like "old" people (however y ou define that) are close-minded -
it's when you start saying things like "kids today..." I'll never say
that - kids today are no different from anyother time except for the
differences in technology and such - and from what kind of society
their elders created ffor them. I'm an open-minded judgemental peep -
can't bother with the nasties - you always have to consider the
How old are you?
I hardly ever post here - my opinion is that there are groups of peeps
who act as a collective troll and trounce on people - insecure!
C'mon guys....lets get him!
Mundo, The Captain who is a bully and an ass