Why Neal is a Asshole
"Joe" wrote
Hey Dickhead;
First off crossposting douchbags asshole's deserve what they get, Oh
Klenix boy needs to get ****canned from Pep Boys, if I were managing a
store and a ****- on acted like a total ass in public I would be upset
to say the least. And if he did it and wore the pep-boys logo I'd ring
his neck.
Are you gonna go to the gym first to build up those skinny little arms?
I bet I could beat you arm wrestling. I'm tough. Your weak. Lifting up those
12 ounce long neck Budweiser bottles makes your belly big but your arm stays weak. lol
And he never cross posted. Your imagining things. Duh.
BTW, your acting like a total ass in public yourself with that bit of
profanity up there. You got rust on your brain.