All yer eggs
Learn how to take boat showers. Turn shower on, wet body, turn shower
off, wash body, turn shower on and rinse off soap. Use maybe 2 gallons.
Our 196 gallons will last about 2 weeks, not counting the bottle water
we drink. We use sea water for washing dishes and depending where we are
bathe in the sea and come aboard and rinse in fresh.
I'm with you in theory, but in practice its just
one more thing to not like about cruising. Its
much easier to put in the _big_ RO watermaker, and
not have to complain about how long the shower
runs when she is doing her hair.
Also, our 70 gallon tank would only last you 5
days at your rate of consumption, so on our boat
you would either have to stay pretty close to a
water tap, or have a good catchment system and
only sail in rainy areas if you wanted to get by
without a watermaker.
Don W.