On Sat, 17 Feb 2007 14:09:01 -0500, Thom Stewart wrote
(in article ):
I truly think you are wrongly applying the Peter Principal to John
I knew John as a adolescent, when I served his Father as an orderly in
WW2. I wasn't much more than a Kid myself but his family is generations
of very successful men. They are a family dedicated to serving their
country, as leaders. Very successful leaders. Admiral McCain's Staff all
thought well of young John.
Being a Democrat and swearing never to vote for another republican after
I voted for Eisenhower, I would find it hard not to vote for John. He is
a very good man in his own right. He is loyal. He demonstrated his
belief in what's right by serving his interment as a prisoner of war
even through his Father was the last five Star Admiral of the fleet at
the time. They played by the Rules.
Mundo, I think I just convinced myself to vote for John if he runs.
I do not deny he is a good man.. just not presidential... I also think he is
the perfect example of the peter principle. The mcCain bus should stop where
it is.
Mundo, The Captain who is a bully and an ass