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"Capt. JG" wrote in message
"Maxprop" wrote in message
"Capt. JG" wrote in message
Mit Romney has a great name, but is very, very cozy with the religious
right (I mean who else do they have?).
The bulk of this country. The so-called religious right is actually a
very small extremist percentage of the overall conservative base. They
are the right-wing equivalent of the far left-wing, ala Michael Moore,
Barbara Streisand, George Clooney, Al Franken, Ward Churchill et. al, ad
In the same way that the Democrat candidate won't do anything to alienate
the far left-wing wackos, the GOP candidate won't alienate the religious
right-wing. Both candidates may actually pander to the extremes a
little, but each candidate's core message had better be to the center of
the country or he's/she's toast on a stick.
In other words, Jon, you won't like even your Democrat candidate, because
you're a far-leftist and he/she isn't about to speak *only* to you and
your ilk. Look what doing that did for John Kerry. You might be wise to
get into Ralph Nader's camp. Now there is a genuine left-wing wacko,
like yourself.
And I mean that in only the nicest possible way.
I'm sure you do. g ------
Unfortunately, the RR have a lot more power than their numbers due to some
really amazing marketing from the likes of Karl (Actung) Rove and people
like him.
I'm having trouble finding any of the candidates who are actually
pandering to the exteme left...
Edwards. Did you miss the flap over a couple of his campaign workers?
Apparently they were posting some highly anti-religious, anti-Catholic
rhetoric on a far left blog. When it was brought to Edward's attention, he
commented that he'd talk to them but wasn't going to ask them to cease and
desist. When the feces hit the fan over the bloggers, they both resigned
about 24 hours later. My impression is that Edwards was relying on his
workers to quietly fan the flames of left-wing sentiment on the Internet
while he preached a more moderate Democrat spiel in front of the cameras.
But he got caught.
And, just so we're clear, I'm not a left-wing wacko. I'm just a liberal on
social policies and far more conservative than Bush on economic policies.
When you decide what Bush's economic policies are, please let me know.