Digital Charts
This group has helped me before and I can't understand what the deal
is with digital charts, whether raster or enc. I can go into any
local map shop, chandlery, marine supply place and buy any nautical
paper chart that was produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office
for $29 bucks. The US has totally free downloadable digital charts
(both raster and ENC) for all US coasts and territories because the US
taxpayer has already paid for the production of these charts.
I would be quite happy to pay $29 for the digital equivalent of a
paper chart. I have navigation software that reads digital charts.
But if I want, say AUS 154 (Williamstown) in digital format I would
have to pay for a (redundant) viewer and then the chart(s); somewhat
more tha $29.
Don't figure
Cheers, Jim