FT-857 vs 706 MkII ?
In article ,
"Lynn Coffelt" wrote:
Real Marine Radiomen always used Manual Tuners.....
Bruce in alaska
I love it! Thanks, Bruce...(c;
The most radiation was from the light bulb....hee hee.
Don't knock the light bulb Larry! Late 50's sunspot cycle, I worked W7LAN in
Washington State from Tucson, Arizona running 60 watt homebrew SSB/6146 rig
into dimly flickering 50 watt light bulb. "5x9+ 20" he lied.
Your pirate ship's antenna must have been an adaptation of the venerable
off-center fed zepp. There were two "birdcage" ocf Zepps in Anacortes pre
WWII. Both driven by push-pull Taylor TZ-40's on 40 CW. 866a's ghostly
blinking and transformers groaning in tune. Ah, yes!
Must have been close to 200 watts!
Old Chief Lynn
I have worked the old AT&T West Coast HF Marine Station, KMI, while
running an N550, with the covers off, and feeding a Bird Kw Dummy Load,
from the Engineering Department, of the Old Northern Radio Building, on
West Commadore Way, in Seattle, Washington, on both 8 and 12 Mhz,
with excellent Signal Reports. It is amazing what can happen when the
Band is open........
Bruce in alaska Lordy, those were the days........
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