Opninion on Bottom Painting Prop and Shaft
Hi, I run into this question every year before spring launch: Should I
bottom paint the prop and shaft to my 28 ft sailboat? I was wondering
what other peoples opinions where or what they've done.
I have a standard bronze 2 blade prop with a bronze shaft. Most years
I've applied several coats of hard epoxy anti-fouling paint. In the
fall, when the boat gets hauled I've noticed most of the paint is worn
off with a fair number of barnacles attached. Yet, the last time I
launched the boat I left the prop bare to see the results. After the
season, there were a lot of barnacles.
I'm inclined to go back and paint the prop this year. It at least
provides some protection. But what i notice is that most sailboat owners
leave their props unpainted. I'm sure there's a ton of opinions out
there. I'm curious what they are. thanks.