Thread: Gas/Oil Slick
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Garth Almgren
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Default Gas/Oil Slick

Paul Dougherty wrote:

I have a 1985 25HP Mariner 2 stroke outboard. After a run to a
fishing spot I stop the motor and after a few minutes there is a
rainbow of a gas/oil slick on the water. After a few minutes is
dissipates. What is causing this? I do not want to be a polluter. I
can not tell where this is coming from. The fuel lines do not have any
Does anyone have any ideas?

That's normal for a 2-stroke, especially an older one. A little unburnt
gas/oil mix always finds it's way from the intake to the exhaust port
since they're both open for a brief moment. In the water, a very small
amount of gas and oil can look like a lot.

If you're really concerned about it (I'm wouldn't be), you can move up
to a 4-stroke outboard.

~/Garth - 1966 Glastron V-142 Skiflite: "Blue-Boat"
"There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing
as simply messing about in boats."
-Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows