Wayne.B wrote:
On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 16:23:40 -0400, RJSmithers
You really should replace an impeller every other year.
The boat was taken to the Searay dealer shortly before I bought it for
the 100 hour service check. Don't know for sure but it's possible the
impeller was part of that. In any case it's my understanding that
Bravo 3 outdrives do not have an impeller in the leg like the Alphas.
I believe the Bravo 3s use an engine mounted sea water pump, not sure
it it is centrifugal or uses an impeller..
They do use a engine mounted water pump, and it does have an impeller.
Every book and manual I have read suggests changing the impeller every
year or two. They are inexpensive and the damage caused by a broken
impeller is very expensive.