Angle of prop shaft - theoretical question.
Overall, Shen and I are in agreement on this issue, as to the cause when
it relates to boats (for what that's worth), but again, my main point is
that you should normally expect to see this reaction in a specific
direction for a specific prop rotation no matter the angle of the shaft
or hull configuration or relative depth of the prop.
In fact, as someone else has said, this is much the basis of the
"surface piercing" Arnesson prop setup.
As a kind of further note, I was reading some comments from guys running
"go fast" Donzi types, discussing switching from outboard turning to
inboard turning props. This seemed to give them an increase in speed
(unrelated to this discussion) but also made the boats handle poorly
around the dock (totally understandable to me as it completely changes
the handling characteristics), but the important point was that these
were I/O's and the reason for this handling change was simple - propwalk
- and the propwalk was/is basically, caused by the propellor rotation,
as this shows - at least to me.