On Mar 14, 7:34 pm, "Two meter troll" wrote:
Ok ive spent my life so far driving around the seas in a boat
independant of the wind. Not only that but way way north of places
sane folks take sail boats in the modern era. Thanks in advance.
Most people I see or read about here lack any kind sea service. That
is, they dont know squat about how the ocean works. For me, knowing
the how water works is 99.90% of the game... gotta know how water
works. So if ya had that talk with God while in the middle of Unimak
Pass, out Adak wayor some place equally nasty in the black of night I
think yould make a great sailboat operator. How to learn? Go to the
local YMCA or University and take a few lessons on a 12' anything. Or
get a couple how to books......... get a 10'-16' anything with a mast
and go get blown around. When ya can tool around the bay in that 12'
somthing buy yourself a 21'-24' tuppa wear soemthing and sail the ****
out of it. Make sure its cheep and all dinged up. Your gonna add a
few. Should take you about 6-12 months. Tada........ youre a "captain"

Have FUN!
Oh, PS good wind sailors are always a bit more nervous looking than
motor boat drivers...........