Power sailor to wind sailor
Lying ahull?
learning a new language so please bear with me.
The idea behind the sail boat is that i have a better way to go to the
places folks want me and my partner to build and teach. It just makes
more sense for a permiculture teacher and a natrual builder to travel
by wind power than burn up fuel.
(as an aside)
the tiny amount of weight you can carry on an airplane does not make
up my tool boxes.
( it was lucky i could catch a bus to new orleans, at the last second
cause; i sure couldnt put the 300 lbs of hand tools on the plane with
getting away from power boats for me is the point; the screaming jimmy
might be a way to power a boat, but ive always watched the sail boats
fly by quiet and sweet while i made enugh noise to wake the dead. LOL
the speed of a sail boat is not all that slow.. i might have sailed
big boats but i can tell you a crab boat aint fast. the Renigade did 8
knots and the Tempest did 11, the fastest was a streamer in the gulf
of mexico and it did 17.