Eisboch wrote:
"RJSmithers" wrote in message
. ..
Tim wrote:
On Mar 15, 8:32?pm, Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
I looked at that photo and have to wonder if it's been Photoshopped. I
have my suspicions about short shaft outboards being very effective in
terms of speed on that boat
And it really does seem like an odd boat/engine combination.
The last item is the 8 engine set up for 1.1M Euros
5,283.4 gallons fuel tankage.
$ 14,793.52 for a fill-up at 2.80 per gal.
Free wash, though.
That's 31,700# in fuel alone. Add another 4300# hanging on the transom
and you get over 35,000# on a 60' hull. 60 knots might be a dream even
if you could get it on plane.
Assuming the best, at WOT (what else is this built for?) you might get
11 hours running time for a range of maybe 800 miles. That's about
$19.00 per mile - or $19.00 per minute.
If I was in the drug business, I would look for another method of