Pactor USB modem - advice
I've been using a USB PactorIII for a year connected to a Sony Vaio with USB
ports, AirMail software and a Sailmail subscription, plus an ICOM 802 and
backstay antenna. I purchased the Pactor through Gary Jensen's Dockside
Radio who helped with the initial setup. It worked seamlessly with zero
installation or operational problems from the first time I turned it on.
Highly recomended for email and weatherfax and grib file downloads, I found
it to be amazingly reliable even under marginal propagation conditions.
First I've heard of recalls of the USB model, does anyone have more info?
Scott Odell
(No relationship with Dockside Radio other than as a satisfied customer.)
"Peter Hendra" wrote in message
I enquired about a Pactor II USB modem PactorIII with software) from a
marine shop here. The guy said he has ordered them but advised not to
get the USB model as they were recalled a while ago due to faults.
I would rather have USB as I don't have any RS3232 ports and I would
rather not have the COM to USB adapter - though PFranc's one was
reasonably trouble free. Someone in this group reccommended it about 7
years ago.
Any advice???
Peter Hendra