[threat] Nomination - "Miguel" for Bullis Foam Duck #27 {NOMINATION -- Kadaitcha Man for Hammer of Thor}
Sean Monaghan wrote:
miguel wrote in
Kali wrote:
miguel said:
: Kadaitcha Gimp Retard He-Bitch wrote:
: Translation: even though all kookologists agree that taking usenet
: to real life is prime kooksign, that's what I'm trying to
: accomplish.
: Good job there kOOk.
: miguel
So, what are your plans for Steve Cheney?
If I ever meet him, I will put him in the hospital.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^
This is not a flame; this is a clear threat of physical violence. This
is something we'd expect from Richard "the St00pid" Bullis, or from
Edmond Heinz Wollmann - not the words of a 'marginal kook', or from
someone who is merely involved in a Usenet flamewar.
Sean, Kali recently stated that she was considered the most reasonable
and judicious of the kookologists. If by that she is contrasting herself
with you, K-Bitch and ****stain, you can imagine the difficulty I or
anybody else might have in giving her any points for that claim.
You have no idea of the extent to which Steve Chaney has taken matters
to RL over the past 12 years wrt me, and you have no idea of the extent
to which his raging insanity has caused him to make unspeakably nasty
claims about my children and my grandchild.
Charlotte, on the other hand, does. If you have any questions about
whether Chaney deserves to have his ass kicked, feel free to direct them
to her.
Now, onto the unarticulated premise of your post, viz: there is never
any cause for threatening violence over a usenet post. Suppose Chaney
says to your face about your 13 year old daughter, "Sean, are you
bringing your 13 year old daughter in for the 1000 man **** tonight?" Do
you put him on the ground and kick him, or do you play your usenet tard
games? You do the latter if you're a coward.
Why should the result be any different if he says it on usenet instead
of to your face, particularly when part of his game is to say it often
enough, and to use your daughter's actual name, so that she gets google