::::: She knows she is the boss.
:::: oh yesss, typical female. she even wakes me up if there's a problem
:::: in her litter-tray that needs sorting.
::: Hehehe. What a princess.
:: any human female wouldn't get away with that, for sure.
: Same here. Any human male wouldn't get away with waking me at 3:00
: am because his food dish is empty. I'd smack him.
our romance is now officially off. hey I get hungry late at night and I
hate violence.
Oh well, your loss.
::: She probably thinks your signature is too long too.
:: were you PVC chick?
: I was never Polyvinyl chloride.
clearly not you then, thank fluffy.
:: I really must sort out my sig, it is far too short these days :P
: Bugggraass!
I assume that means summat comprehensible in american?
You don't know Bugggraass? Where you been?
You don't know Shaun aRe? If you know Shaun aRe, then you know
Cheesch, these kids.
Long signature is a sign of short ___________.