OT- Screwed... but we've talked it over before....
On Mar 24, 7:01 pm, Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
Robertson square drive screws suck.
Really suck!
the "star" head screws. Gene I take it you mean "Torx" head ?
they suck too. at least in my line of work they do. they're fine,
untill some body brings in a really corroded starter motor off some
dry fertilizer machine. and the little "ears" in the bolt or screw,
are usually rusted away, or still think they are there, and route off
easily, then is when I have to find an allen tool of abotut he same
size and drive it into the screw head, and hope it works. if it
strips, well, that's one reason I carry new diesel starters.
Like the old term:
"If it jams? Force it!
If it breaks? it needed replaced anyow..."
Another favorite ohrase of mine is:
"You CAN NOT tear up junk!"