Race for the Cure - an update
Chuck Gould wrote:
....another 300 words of whining b.s. :
Whine, whine, whine. You hang up a politically oriented cut 'n paste
and then moan how your free speech is infringed upon. Here's a flash,
Tom- you've got to say something to be speaking- not just dredging up
some crap that you hope will serve your admitted purpose; fostering
"chaos" in the newsgroup.
Sorry to see you're so spun out of control by my calling your troll a
If I disliked you at all, I'd think it was pretty darn funny. As it
is, it's merely sad.
You need to toughen up a bit if you want to troll around here. Just
like nobody can stop you from posting cut and pasted political crap,
nobody can stop me from expressing an opinion about your behavior when
you do. If my comments offend you and upset you so much that you need
to address them in every unrelated thread you participate in then you
don't have what it takes to be a successful troll.
If in your version of "free speech" you should be able to post
political propaganda to a boating newsgroup with the expectation that
nobody will make a negative comment about the behavior, I'm shocked
that your permissive atitude doesn't also allow you to accept freely
spoken negative comments in response. Why should you have a right to
set a standard for my behavior any more than I have a right to set a
standard for yours? Post a political cut 'n paste everyday if you
want- there's no way anybody can stop you if you lack the common
courtesy and self control to stop yourself. Just don't expect others
to forego their rights to comment in response. If you don't like some
of the comments, tough schlitz- it's the risk you run when you decide
to post under any of your several screen names here.