The Joys of Boating
What meters? I have never even seen a taxi in Penang that had a meter.
Always, "how much to Mokta...", "Long way, Boss, 50 Ringgit". I admit,
they do have a shuttle bus that runs around the downtown area but you
get on the bus and go somewhere and then get back on the bus to come
back and it takes a different road. Where to get off?
By the way, I relayed your comments about Bangkok beautiful women to
my wife who says that if you believe that then your taste in partners
is highly suspect. She says that she's heard all about that geezer
(from Penang, was he?) that got put in jail down there for playing
games with his driver. Tit for Tat.....
Kick boxing may look like fun and games in the movies but it is a
damned brutal sport. To get the full benefit you need to go to the
up-country matches where the young boxers are not as well trained and
are fighting for a week's pay. Tell your daughters to imagine someone
slamming their elbow in their face then kicking them as hard as they
can just under the ribs.
Bruce in Bangkok
Excellent Bruce,
Quid pro quo.
My respectful regards to your Lady wife.
I have never had a driver.
Yes we have different laws here. Twice now I have been out walking
along the street (not in Penang) with my friends' Malay kids who were
staying with us for the holidays on the yacht, holding their hands
etc., when I have been accosted by the police as to what I was doing
with them and why was I holding my niece's hand (she was about 12 or
13 at the time) as I was obviously not a blood relative. The kids had
to say "But he's our uncle".
The papers sometimes have some delightful stories along the same lines
such as when a male police sergeant and a female constable were
charged with 'fraternisation' after being found in a hotel room. Their
story was that they were on surveilance. However, when the religious
police knocked on the door he opened it with only a towel around his
As I am of Greek ethnic origin, I embrace my friends - perfectly
acceptable in the Middle East and southern Europe. The Malays have
gotten used to me hugging them even though they only ever shake hands.
I am waiting for the religious police to haul me in on the matter.
You know of course that there are seperate supermarket check-out
queues for men amnd women in Kelantan state?
Love this country.