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Paul Paul is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 76
Default Raymarine E-series vs Furuno NAVnet vx2 ?

"Bruce in Alaska" wrote in message
In article , "Hani" wrote:

Also, try to investigate/compare quality of services at your place, or
you are going to sail. For example, at my place (Croatia) they have very
qualified Furuno service, but very poor Raymarine service. My
is always Furuno becouse of this, but at your country may be oposite

I second the above... Furuno has ALWAYS been one of the leaders in Marine
Electronics Service and support, Worldwide. Just try and walk into ANY
Marine Electronics Repair Shop, ANYwhere in the World, and see what gear
is available, and what their Techs can fix, or Parts Replace. Furuno
will be #1, and the rest will follow. If Money isn't the problem, then
Furuno is for you.

Thanks guys. This is a consideration I hadn't put on my short-list, and it
definitely should be there. I have had only the one problem with my
Raymarine unit (the high-temperature reset problem I mentioned), but service
can be a real issue.
