The Joys of Boating
On Thu, 29 Mar 2007 16:10:51 +0700, Bruce
On Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:51:09 -0400, Peter Hendra
What meters? I have never even seen a taxi in Penang that had a meter.
Always, "how much to Mokta...", "Long way, Boss, 50 Ringgit". I admit,
they do have a shuttle bus that runs around the downtown area but you
get on the bus and go somewhere and then get back on the bus to come
back and it takes a different road. Where to get off?
By the way, I relayed your comments about Bangkok beautiful women to
my wife who says that if you believe that then your taste in partners
is highly suspect. She says that she's heard all about that geezer
Much snipped
You know of course that there are seperate supermarket check-out
queues for men amnd women in Kelantan state?
Love this country.
I refuse to get embroiled in a religious debate other then to say that
while I worked with a large number of folks who certainly were devout
I never say the animosity that appears to exist today.
I spent more then twenty years in Indonesia (the largest Moslem
country in the world, population wise) and never saw anything like
separate supermarket lines for male and female. I know that certain
hotels would refuse to rent a room to a couple who obviously weren't
married but it appeared more that many hotels preferred not to be
known as places of assignment. In fact many Moslems I knew in
Indonesia view many of Malaysia's customs as being (dare I say it) a
bit ridiculous.
Enough of this subject.
Bruce in Bangkok
Hi Bruce,
I concur entirely with your views. The headscarf for women was hardly
worn 20 years ago. Now in Kelatan state, woman may be fined, and are,
50 Ringit for not wearing one. Now I am seeing a few Malay women from
there wearing full burkha. When I ask why - I am informed that they
are "very religious people" - ridiculous.
Still, as you say, enough of this subject.