Epoxy by brand and why ...
Jonathan W wrote:
I like West, I've used it for 20 years, and as has been mentioned, it
is available in lots of places.
I worked on Ocean Planet just prior to the 2004 Vendee Globe, and
Bruce had all the free MAS epoxy he wanted. BUT, it has a different
curing cycle than West, so working times were unfamiliar/different. I
wasted a lot of epoxy, very annoying even when it is free.
The point? There is a learning curve with each brand, and one does
not necessarily translate to another.
NE Sailboat wrote:
Seems like all I can get around here is WEST System..
But I know there are other brands..
What is your favorite and why.
I was using West System and liked it but it was hard to get here. Had
to mail order it. The local Woodcraft store started carrying System 3
so I switched when I run out of West System. System 3 cleans up with
White vinegar which I like (cheaper than acetone).