Wiring of multiple wind generators - Larry?
I have had an Aerogen 4 for about 14 years which is in need of repair
due to the blades disintergrating by reason of corrosion of the
aluminium hub.
Purchased a new Air-X to replace it but have since decided to repair
the Aerogen and remount that as well.
Problem. The Air-X instructions say that for multiple banks, the
internal regulator of the Air-X will have to be switched to an
external one as another wind generator will give it the mistaken
impression that the batteries are charged.
I have an existing regulator for the Aerogen and a rheostat heat sink
that burns off the extra power.
Question: Any ideas on what/how I could use as an external regulator
or heat dumping device. I have heard that some people heat water with
the surplus energy.
Incidentally, I have been very happy with the Aerogen. It is extermely
quiet and vibration free. As we are normally in windy areas it has
been well worth having.
Any advice appreciated as always.