Clark Craft Plans
I built the Viking 22 center console and it has served me well for 7
years now and still going strong. One problem I had was the bottom of
the boat was too weak and a 1 square foot hole punched through it
between the frames. The plans called for 3/8" marine plywood and I
built it from exterior lumber yard plywood so I take some of the
blame. I have sinced put a second 3/8" layer of the entire bottom and
it is strong now. During construction I did have a question and called
them and they were helpful.
On Mar 13, 6:30 pm, jmarker1612 wrote:
I am looking at building a steel boat and note a website (Clark Craft)
that sell plans. The cost is cheaper that a few others, so I would
like to know if anyone has or know used this company, and what is the
back-up service like.