Lower end unit questions...
I have a '77 Johnson 55 hp outboard. The lower end has a leak
as the gearcase oil is much lighter than it should be. Any water
in there isn't seperating from the oil, but the oil has gotten
quite light. Obviously not a good sign.
My simple but perhaps silly question is should I get a lower
end seal 'kit' to solve this problem? I haven't pulled the
lower end off before and won't be able to do it for probably
another week. I'm thinking that since no maintenance has been
done to the lower end for at least four years (two years me
and two years the previous owner) and the fact that parts for
this motor seem to be getting harder to come by, will a lower
end seal kit solve my problem or could there be a bad seal that
is not included in the kit and I should wait and see exactly
where the leak is coming from?
Second question: I want to replace the water pump impeller
the same time I do the above. I was wondering if this is a
case of where I should get the water pump 'kit' or just the
impeller? Again, I klnow that NO lower-end service has been
performed in at least four years. Engine is not over-heating
or anything, I just want to protect this motor while I have
it and feel that at a minimum the water pump should be replaced.
I just don't know what the deal is on the water pump 'kit'.