Spraying Imron-Other painting issues
I do apologize if I seemed ungrateful for your counsel. I thought you
were just some wise ass. I should have checked things out. I have
just read a lot of your posts and realize that you have made many,
many valuable contributions to this group.
You are absolutely right about the dangers of anything containing
isocyanates. I do not have a supplied-air system but I will probably
be using an HVLP gun which will reduce the overspray and atomozation.
I will be working outside and will be shooting less than one pint. I
will use a tight-fitting mask and the correct cartridge--the same one
I use with muriatic acid which can really burn your lungs up. If I
were younger I would probably not do it without supplied air but at my
age I don't have to worry too much about long-term affects.
Thanks and sorry if I misunderstood your intent.
On Wed, 18 Apr 2007 19:20:40 -0400, "Jim Conlin"
The linear polyurethane (LPU) paints such as Imron, Awlgrip and Perfection
contain cyanide compounds which are VERY TOXIC. These compounds cause brain,
liver and lung damage. When the paints are rolled or brushed, the nasty
stuff stays on the boat and only solvents get into the air. An organic
vapor respirator can deal with that. When the PAINTS are sprayed, an
aerosol of paint droplets, containing the nasty cyanide compounds, is in the
air. The only breathing apparatus which effectively protects the painter
are the 'supplied air' respirators. These start at about $1K. An ordinary
respirator won't do it.. DO NOT SPRAY LPU PAINTS WITHOUT ONE.