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Capt. Rob Capt. Rob is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 2,707
Default The Ultimate Loser?

The Biggest Losers In ASA.....

#5 Jeff
Let's be honest here. Most folks who don't buy a Catamaran avoid it
because the shape and look just don't suit their romantic notion of
what a sailboat should be. On top of that, most folks want a boat that
heals and feels like a sailboat should. For many a boat like the PDQ
is just little fun, though one can't ignore the practical aspects.
Still, check your sailing dreams at the door if this is your choice,
just as Jeff did. I put Jeff at #5 because he's never really had the
right boat and now he's really really bloody old. Time is running out
fast. Jeff, you are a LOSER!!!

#4 Sloco
Yikes! This is one frustrated dude. From is lame car to his depressing
boat, Sloco's whole life appears to be built around the idea of buying
items that are "almost nice." and yet failing to commit to himself.
It's so funny that poor Sloco used to make fun of my boat being older
and slower, and in an instant he's in last place. Now with a C&C 99 in
our near future, he's really toasted. Still worse, Max buys a true
raceboat, something Sloco hasn't the balls (or apparently the cash/
credit) to do anything like that. Sloco, you're a SUPER LOSER!!!!!

#3 Scotty
If doing the least with a life was an event, Scotty'd be a contender
for sure. I have seen ice cubes with more ambition. This poor sod
lives like a Deliverance hillbilly and buys used boats the way a 50
year old Mexican roofer buys a Pinto with 250K miles on it, just so
long as the ac still blows cold. Scotty Potty previously owned a Mac
25, a vessel well suited to someone just starting out in life. At his
age it was embarassing, but he actually found something even sadder to
buy...and bought it! Scotty, you're an ULTRA LOSER!!!!!

#2 Dave
Like Scotty, Dave finds himself in a less than happy state and with
few years to turn it around. I happen to know a certain lady who knew
Dave well, so I have some insight. Dave HAD money and a measure of
success and then he screwed up...and I know how it happened. So when a
fella's fortunes collapse, what boat can he own? Well we all know the
answer! A vessel that is so ugly that a famous sailor wouldn't go near
the whole line and the ugly sister of an otherwise fine heritage of
boats. Dave hoped for at least some trickle down respect and found
none. Dave, you are a SUPREME LOSER!!!!!

And coming in with the win....beating the others at failure by a
significant margin........

#1 Doug
Doug, a Internet sailor who talks out of his ass as easily as most
folks take a ****, made the ultimate loser move. He caved to his Art
Carney look-a-like wife and bought.....a powerboat!!!!! No one else on
ASA has come close to this level of failure. Still worse, he stuck
around to talk about it as though nothing significant in his life had
been crushed. Amazing! Shocking...and a little sad. Doug, you're the
winner here and the ULTIMATE LOSER!!!!!!

Capt RB