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Bob Crantz Bob Crantz is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 330
Default The Ultimate Loser?

In my book Bobpsprit is a winner. He does have a very nice yacht and worked
hard to get it. It is fast and nicely tricked out. Do you know anyone else
who at such an early age wrote and directed a movie with a major star in it?
He walked away from a promising movie career for the passion of sailing. He
does marine surveys out of passion, it doesn't matter if he is good at it or
not. He saw a beautiful woman and went for her after years of searching.
Bobsprit displays passion, restraint and good judgement. He has something
very few have here - Panache. He does not live his life by rote. He is not a
dull, listless robot going through the standard motions of pretending to be
alive. He is alive. His trolls here a brilliant and cleverly written. He
does not attack everyone, he attacks only the exact opposite of what he is.
He is here to sweep that dull, gray spread of ashes from this place. His
life burns like an emerald in the sun. His trolls are so effective because
he understands his target and to understand his target he must know what it
is to live. He does not hide in a group, he stands tall - and alone! You all
attack him because he is what you dared not be - independent and happy! I
attack him because he is the only opponent here worthy for me. Mooron was
the only other one. I attack him not out of jealousy or self hatred but out
of sport! I dare to say what you all know in the back of your minds but are
afraid to admit to yourselves - that Bobpsrit is the better man!
